Amazon Marketing Cloud – Paid Subscriptions – Conversions All

As of this writing 6/8/2024 AMC features are free until 2024-12-31. Get in touch with us so we can make the most of this.

Data and technology synergy

Why Should I Care?

Let’s remember that Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) is a set of tables of advertising events that happen on Amazon (and off!). These events can be individual clicks, impressions, add-to-carts, etc. We use this highly granular information to aggregate, pivot, and combine with other tables to define user behavior. This user behavior is then used to create audiences or visualizations which will help shape advertising strategy. All of this ends up expressed as SQL (Structured Query Language) against these tables.

Did you notice how I only mentioned advertising events?

What if you wanted to get organic data as well? What if I wanted to compare the user behavior of those who were exposed to an ad or not? Do my ads have an impact on conversion rates? My best selling product is doing well, but am I getting those users to convert to my other products?

We could compare the conversion rates of ad-exposed versus non-ad-exposed data to identify which ASINs are performing well organically and which benefit significantly from ads. Then we can focus your ad spend on ASINs that show a high lift in conversions from ad exposure. Address targeting, messaging for underperforming ASINs.

Perform the same analysis above, but for Campaigns, Ad Groups, and Placements. This will help identify additional optimization opportunities and areas of improvement based on conversion rates against the baseline group of non ad-exposed users.

The Paid Subscriptions portion of AMC that is now free provides access to all conversions organic and ad attributed. With this data, the above analysis and optimizations become available to you.

How do I use it?

You can make sure your advertising team or advertising analysts are aware of this release and feature. They need to go into the platform and ensure they ‘Subscribe’ to the new Paid Subscriptions feature and they will soon be able to query the tables alongside their existing work.

If you do not have analysts on staff that have SQL knowledge then get in touch with us below and we can help you utilize your AMC instance to the fullest.

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