Bispoke Data Hub

Master Your Amazon Data

Transform your team’s capabilities with Bispoke Data Hub. Effortlessly gather, report, and analyze Amazon Sales, Advertising, and Operations

Some Of Our Clients


Watch how Bispoke Analytics Cloud helped BACtrack enrich and organize data across all accounts in a single view


Your Amazon Data

Succeeding on Amazon demands leveraging extensive data insights. With Bispoke Data Hub, you can broaden your data reach and fully automate its collection, empowering your team for superior performance.
Supported sources include:

Your data, Your tools.

Use your current tools and integrate Amazon data into your dashboards for your team and clients using our seamless data integration.
Supported tools include:

Your data, Where you are. 

Supported destinations include:

Do You Have an Effective Data Strategy to Win on Amazon?

In this webinar, our CEO Sreenath Reddy shares best practices, frameworks, and pitfalls around managing your Amazon data effectively.

how to get started with Bispoke analytics cloud

Step 1

Connect your account to the Bispoke platform.

Step 2

Configure your data sources and destinations, including reporting tools and data warehouses.

Step 3

Build out your reports and dashboards. Leverage our pre-built templates, or create your own.

Ready to Get Started with Bispoke?

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