Saving Money on Technology by Automating Reporting

Buy Box Experts (BBE), a leading Amazon Services Agency, embarked on a transformative journey by transitioning from its proprietary technology platform to Bispoke’s advanced solutions. This strategic pivot not only optimized BBE’s internal and external reporting processes, resulting in significant cost and time savings, but also unlocked new revenue opportunities.
Data and technology synergy

Executive Summary

In 2022, Buy Box Experts (BBE) realized the need for a more efficient and effective data platform. Despite having a full offshore technology team dedicated to pulling data for reporting and assessing account performance, BBE struggled to create compelling visualizations and meet the actual needs of their staff. As a result, employees were still logging into multiple Amazon accounts and creating their own reports, while the BBE system was primarily used for invoicing purposes. Recognizing the need for a solution, BBE engaged with Bispoke, a trusted partner known for their expertise in data management and visualization. Within just three months, Bispoke seamlessly integrated into BBE’s existing systems and brought their visualizations and automated reporting to life. Over the next nine months, BBE made the decision to transition all data operations to Bispoke, resulting in significant cost savings of over $10,000 per month. With Bispoke’s comprehensive data platform, BBE was able to leverage their existing assets while also benefiting from Bispoke’s ability to pull additional data as needed. This partnership not only transformed BBE’s data operations but also paved the way for improved efficiency and better decision-making.

Client Overview

With over a decade of specializing in Amazon consultation and advisory services, Buy Box Experts has proven their expertise in scaling mid-to-large product brands. The competitive nature of the industry, coupled with clients’ demands for constant monitoring of their Amazon account health, product performance, inventory levels, and advertising accounts poses difficulties in scaling a full-services Amazon agency. Paramount to Buy Box Experts’ client-base is the consistent practice of keeping best-selling products in stock, and that clients and accounts are spent efficiently and completely. These needs formed the foundation of the partnership between Bispoke and BBE.

depicting technological innovation


Buy Box Experts encountered a challenge in aligning day to day practical business needs with engineering and analytics expertise. The firm had access to extensive data, but there was a critical gap in translating this into actionable insights for brand managers. This disconnect led to brand managers manually extracting data to monitor client performance, resulting in inefficient processes, missed insights, and overworked staff. Instances of budget overspend or underspend affected client satisfaction and agency revenue, with clients sometimes attributing sales declines to Buy Box Experts due to factors like inventory shortages, which felt beyond the agency’s control.

This situation underscored the necessity for an integrated approach that bridged technical capabilities with real-world applications. In short, Buy Box Experts needed expert Amazon data practitioners with subject-matter experience running different types of accounts who were more than capable of showing them the way. Bispoke did all of that and more by curating data tool sets that complemented Buy Box Experts’ strengths while shoring up weaknesses.

people collaborating in an office space.


The solutions included a multi-faceted approach which started with the philosophy of BBE and how they approach their clients:

The Score:

Buy Box Experts needed to be able to see pacing of client performance across sales and advertising at all times. Bispoke created a goals dashboard which shows pacing performance across all brands under Buy Box Experts’ management

Automated bi-weekly reporting:

Buy Box Experts was spending considerable time and effort in creating reporting for their brands. This created an unhealthy time-sink that the firm could not allow to continue, or positioning the firm for its next growth phase would be in jeopardy. Bispoke created an automated reporting system based on existing reports that Buy Box Experts’ was familiar and comfortable with. Major features included category breakdowns, ASIN performance, and Ads performance. Best of all, this report exports directly to a formatted Powerpoint file – saving brand managers hours each and every month.


Clients kept asking Buy Box Experts, “how much inventory do I need to send in for Prime Day and other tent pole events?”. Bispoke used their advanced forecasting models and supply chain knowledge to create reorder points and reorder quantities. This would empower Buy Box Experts to accurately communicate to their clients exactly how much to send in and when.

Client Facing Dashboards:

Buy Box Experts wanted to enhance their client relationship with dashboards that their clients could access and

Leadership Dashboard:

a comprehensive dashboard that shows high level KPIs acros all companies with the ability to drill all the way down to a specific product.


Buy Box Experts was able to save over $10,000 in monthly technology costs and hundreds of hours on reporting per year. Bispoke came in and combined Amazon-Ecommerce expertise with flexible data and analytical engineering to create custom solutions for Buy Box Experts saving money and time while delighting customers.
Bispoke recognizes philosophy first. No two businesses are going to be the same in their wants and needs. Bispoke creates custom data & analytics solutions that conform to your current operations
Prefer spreadsheets? We can put the data in spreadsheets such as excel or google sheets automatically.
Don’t like Powerpoint? We can create custom reporting in a variety of formats.

Have your own data, but need to supplement? We have hybrid approaches, connecting to your data and also extracting any additional data needed.